NGS Photography Workshop For Budding Photographers
- Date:08 Dec 2010 TO 19 JAN 2011
- Time: 6:30PM-9:30PM
- Venue: PSB Academy @ Delta ,335 Bukit Ho Swee
- Speaker: Professional Photographers from NGS Photo Studio
- Contact : Max Han TEL:82044822 for registration
- l Email:
Register before 1st Dec 2010 to enjoy early bird discount of 10%
Course information:
1. Getting to know basic photographic equipment
2. Basic rule of composition
3. Getting to know shuttle speed, aperture & ISO sensitivity
4. Basic Photoshop operation
5. Shooting night shots
6. Shooting portraits
Course Fee: S$300/=
NGS摄影工作室 初级摄影课程
- 日期: 2010/11/8~2011/01/19
- 时间: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
- 地点:PSB Academy @ Delta ,335 Bukit Ho Swee、
- 主讲:多位NGS专业摄影师
- 报名与联系方式:
- 手机:82044822(Max Han)
- 电邮
在12月1日之前报名能享有10% 折扣。
1) 认识基本摄影器材
2) 基础构图法则
3) 了解快门、光圈、ISO感光度
4) 基础Photoshop操作
5) 拍摄夜景
6) 拍摄人像
1. 化妆师 1 名 要求:大专以上学历,精通影楼化妆技术与婚礼发型设计。
2. 造型师 1 名 要求:大专以上学历,有相关工作经验,精通人物和产品造型设计。
3. 销售 5 名 要求:大专学历 有销售经验,并擅长销售工作,可做兼职。
4. 运营经理 1名 要求:大学本科以上学历,有3年以上市场运营经验。
2. 个人近期生活照片。
3. 应聘造型设计工作者需提交个人作品两份(人物和产品)。
4. 所有应聘者需要注明,应聘职位,期望薪水,(工作方式:兼职,全职)
5. 个人联系方法,电话,电邮。
NGS Managed By MULTIWIN PTE.LTD. ( Co Reg : 201016180 )
狮城印象摄影展细则l 影展举办目的
l 影展投稿时间:
l 影展作品投稿方式:
2. 每名参展者可提交两份(即两个图片文件)作品,请将作品大小为修改2MB以内JPEG格式。(请保留JPEG 图片信息以便查询)
3. 参展者须另附文件注明照片拍摄的时间,地点,所用机型(镜头型号),快门速度,光圈值,ISO值,是否使用闪光灯。
4. 参展者提交的作品时需要同时提交参展者的基本信息,姓名,性别,国籍,出生日期,联系电话,网络联系方式,新加坡住址,(个人近期照片150KB以内)
l 影展作品创作要求:
1. 作品的创作要在新加坡本地完成。
2. 作品主题可选择人物和风景,但是要在照片中能够体现出新加坡的元素。
3. 如果作品使用PHOTOSHOP技术合成则需要注明。
l 影展作品的展出与评选
1. 此次影展入围者作品都将会在NGS摄影工作室的官方网站上公开展出。
2. 此次影展将会评选出3个奖项,将由NGS摄影工作室颁发奖品和奖状。
3. NGS摄影工作室将建立参展作者的人才储备推广库为参展者提供更广阔的交流与宣传空间。
4. NGS摄影工作室将会通过本次影展征集一些摄影爱好者定期举行一些摄影交流活动或商业拍摄活动。
5. NGS摄影工作室将会在公司的官方网站中专门建立此次影展的专有板块。
NGS Managed By MULTIWIN PTE.LTD. (Co Reg: 201016180)
“Singapore Impression” Photography Exhibition Rules
“Singapore Impression” Photography Exhibition Rules
l Purpose
For the sake of better communication and cooperation of locale photography fans, NGS Photo Studio holds the photo exhibition - “Singapore Impression”. This event is a non-profit photo exhibition for the benefit of technical exchange, talent scout as well as skill improvement. It provides photography geniuses in Singapore a platform to show their talents and provides all the photography fans a chance to get a job. All the photographers in Singapore are welcome to participate and unleash your talents here.
l Participation Deadline
01/11/2010 – 08/12/2010
l Participation Methods
1. All participants need to Email their pictures to
2. Every participant can submit two (i.e. two files) pictures. Please modify the size of the file to make sure it is within 2MB and the format is JPEG. (Please keep the JPEG picture info)
3. Participants need to attach another file includes the following information of the picture: time, location, camera model (lens type), shutter speed, F-number, ISO value and whether flash is used or not.
4. Please also include the participant’s basic information, name, gender, nationality, birthday, contact number, MSN/facebook/QQ/etc., address and a recent personal photo (within 150KB).
l Requirements for participation
1. The picture must be taken in Singapore.
2. The theme of the picture could be portrait or landscape, but elements of Singapore must be included.
3. Please notify if Photoshop is applied.
l Exhibition and Selection
1. All the selected pictures will be displayed on the official website of NGS Photo Studio.
2. Three prizes will be selected. Awards and certificates will be provided by NGS Photo Studio.
3. NGS Photo Studio will create a talent pool for all participants to provide them with better communication and publicizing opportunities.
4. NGS Studio will assemble some photography fans and organize photography events regularly for exchange and commercial purpose after this exhibition.
5. NGS Photo Studio will create a new forum in the official website for this exhibition.
All rights reserved to NGS Photo Studio
NGS Managed By MULTIWIN PTE.LTD. (Co Reg: 201016180)